One Step Solution for all of your over-the-counter meds.

Start Questionnaire


1. Select a symptom you have

We have a collection of 30+ symptoms you can select and search from

Doctor with folded armsPhone

2. Answer selected questions

Very simple yes or no questions that you can complete in no time

Doctor thinkingPhone

3. Get the exact medications you need

We have access to thousands of new medications and we updated them every day.

Doctor holding a pillPhone

Become our Pal

Help us update the product and expand while getting tons of benefits

  • Work among dozens of experienced doctors and pharmacists
  • Explore our award winning algorithm
  • Help people all around the world
  • Get free merchandise
  • Great salary benefits
  • Work under the excellent guidance of Dr.Olivier

PharmaPal Doctor Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy medications from here?
Is any of my data collected?
Why should I trust recommendations by this app?
I found an error in the app. What should I do?